Welcome to the Kimberley
In the Kimberley’s 40% of residents are Aboriginal people, made up of over 40+ language groups. Historically there has been little cultural competency or responsiveness from outsiders who move or migrate throughout the area for work, industry, or personal reasons.
The aim of this project is to introduce key cultural concepts to newcomers that will empower them to navigate the unique culture of the Kimberley region and facilitates mutually effective relationships with local indigenous people.
Kimberley Birds has created 8 cultural strands, broken into 2 categories, that represent the foundational concepts of Cultural Competency. These 8 strands need to be understood to interact effectively in the unique culture of the Kimberley.
This Course covers the first 4 strands, Clan, Country, Capacity, and Community.
This Course is dedicated to the late Pauline Manning for her work on Reconciliation that has gone before.
How are you going to be part of the next generation of reconciliation?
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